More Airports for China

May 19, 2011

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. aviation (n.) [ey-vee-ey-shuhn, av-ee-] – the operation, development, management and use of air crafts
Example: My brother, who wants to be a pilot, is studying aviation engineering.

2. accommodate (v.) [uh-kom-uh-deyt] – to provide room or space for something or someone
Example: She prepared the guest room to accommodate their visitors.  

3. investment (n.) [in-vest-muhnt] – using or putting money, time and energy into something that will produce profit in the future
Example:  Purchasing your own house is a good investment.

4. unprecedentedly (adv.) [uhn-pres-i-den-tid-lee] – happening unexpectedly as something that has never been seen or experienced before
Example: The sudden increase of Internet users happened unprecedentedly.

Read the text below.

China plans to construct fifty-five additional  airports in the next five years in order to meet the increasing number of trips which is expected to reach  450 to 500 million every year by 2015.

aviation officials claim this figure is twice as high as the 230-million trips in 2009. In Beijing alone, the number of passengers reached 73.9 million in 2010 making Beijing Capital International the second busiest airport in the world, replacing UK’s London Heathrow.
In addition, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) also predicts a 66.87% increase in the number of international passengers in 2015. The additional 55 airports are seen to accommodate the growing passenger demand and lessen the pressure in China’s 175 existing airports.

With its growing number of flights, China now provides half the entire market for air travel in Asia. Li Jiaxing , head of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) says that investment in China’s air travel is expected to reach about US$230 billion.

Analyst Nick Cunningham says flights increase twice as fast as the economy which, in China’s case, is rising unprecedentedly. The US remains to be the largest economy in the world with 15,095 airports serving 300 million citizens. While, China only has 175 airports for 1.3 billion people.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         What are the benefits of good transportation to the economy?
·         Do you think it is possible to have a good economy but poor transportation? Why or why not?

Discussion B

·         What are the disadvantages of increasing the number of airports in terms of security?
·         What are some things that the government can do to keep airports safe?

May 19, 2011