Study Links Fiber to Longer Life

March 28, 2015

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. fiber /ˈfaɪ bər/ (n.) – indigestible, plant-based food that helps digest other food
Example: Pineapples are rich in fiber.

2. premature /ˌpri məˈtʃʊər, -ˈtʊər, -ˈtyʊər/ (adj.) – being earlier than typical or expected time
Example: The 20-year-old patient’s premature death was surprising.

3. regulation /ˌrɛg yəˈleɪ ʃən/ (n.) – the process of controlling something to match a desired condition or level
Example: The doctor gave him tips on alcohol intake regulation.

4. bloating /bloʊtɪŋ/ (n.) – a situation in which the abdomen expands or swell
Example: Too much fat consumption can cause bloating.

5. cramp /kræmp/ (n.) – painful and sudden contraction of specific muscles
Example: Her leg cramps caused her to stop running.


Read the text below.
Fiber intake lowers risk of premature death, a recent study by the Shanghai Cancer Institute revealed.

Researchers found that people with higher intake of fiber had lower risk of death than those who consume less fiber. The authors gathered the data from 17 previous studies published between 1997 and 2014. The samples include a total of 982,411 participants and 67,260 deaths.

The researchers divided the participants into five groups according to their daily fiber intake. People from the first group had the highest amount of daily fiber intake, while the fifth group had the least. Results showed that the first group had 16% less risk of death than the fifth group. Also, researchers found a 10% drop in risk of disease-related deaths for every 10 grams of fiber added in a person’s diet.

Thus, the authors conclude that higher fiber intake may help in living a healthier life. However, they acknowledge that factors like lifestyle or other food nutrients may have affected the people’s lifespan.

The US Department of Agriculture’s recommended fiber consumption is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men. Common high-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. The nutrient is best known for its digestive tract regulation.

While increasing fiber intake may be ideal, medical experts warn that a sudden increase in fiber intake can cause bloating and stomach cramps. Thus, people should increase their fiber intake slowly until they reach the recommended daily value.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Would you eat more high-fiber food after reading the article? Why or why not?
·         What is your least favorite among the common high-fiber foods? Kindly explain.

Discussion B

·         Do you agree that eating the right food can extend people’s lives? Why do you say so?
·         What food do you consider delicious but unhealthy? How do you regulate your consumption?

March 28, 2015